
Business Area


Status of Sites for Sale

Classification No. Lot Number Area
Exercise and Assembly 1 1330-42 1,402.7 424.3
2 1330-44 1,921.8 581.3
3 1330-45 1,922.2 581.5
4 1330-61 5,090.4 1,539.8
5 1330-62 4,973.3 1,504.4
6 1330-63 4,995.4 1,511.1
Parking Lot 1 1337-131 4,969.9 1,503.4
Cultural Facility 1 1331-15 2,527.0 764.4
Public Facility 1 1331-24 2,507.5 758.5
School 1 1331-14